Dr. Willy Bierter
Ahornweg 12
CH-4452 Itingen
Tel. 0041 - 61 - 811 49 88
Fax 0041 - 61 - 811 51 44
E-mail: bierter@bluewin.ch
Track Record:
1965-1970: Guest researcher as a theoretical physicist at the University of Heidelberg; Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Department of physics, University of California in Berkeley; Max-Plank-Institut for physics and astrophysics, München
1971-1976: Economic policy consulting with the European Center for Applied Economic Research (PROGNOS) in Basel
1976-1979: Head of the planning group at the University of Kassel, lecturer and guest professor in the field of appropriate technology, social ecology and energy-economy-ecology;
1980-1984: Founder and director of the Center for Appropriate Technology and Social Ecology in Langenbruck, Switzerland
1984-1994: Independent scientist and consultant in the fields of economics, environment, energy, technology and work
1995: Lecturer in environmental science at the Swiss Polytechnic University (ETH)
1991-1995: Director of the working group "New Welfare Models" at the Wuppertal-Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Since 1995: Co-Director of the Product-Life Institute, Geneva/Itingen; Vice-President of the Factor 10 Institute, Carnoules/France
1999-2006: Partner with wirth&bierter sustainable business innovation
2003-2007: Director of the Steinbeis-Center for sustainable innovations and system solutions, Beerfelden/BRD
2005-2008: Director of the Steinbeis Research Institute Renewable Resources, Berlin/Itingen
since 2006: Research Fellow and Senior Consultant, Borderstep Institute Innovation and Sustainability, Berlin/Itingen
Main Professional Activities:
Project management, coaching and research in the field of:
- Strategic innovation and knowledge management
- Initiation, implementation and coaching of innovation projects
- (Eco)Design of systems, processes, products and services
- Sustainable business transformation of companies and organizations
- Green future markets and technologies
- Mass customization
1981-1986: Mitglied der Konsultativkommission Wirtschaftsförderung des Kantons Baselland
1983-1985: Mitglied der vom Eidgenössischen Volkswirtschaftsdepartement eingesetzten Expertenkommission "Qualitatives Wachstum"
1985-1987: Mitglied der Kommission für die Verleihung des Innovationspreises beider Basel
1985-1986: Aufbau und Präsident der "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Dezentrale Energieversorgung (ADEV)" (Förder- und Finanzierungsgenossenschaft)
1988-1993: Verwaltungsrat und operative Leitung der Firma PPM Umweltschutz & Analytik AG, Bubendorf
1989-1994: Associate Fellow des Transnational Institute in Amsterdam
1989-1991: Mitglied der vom Eidgenössischen Volkswirtschaftsdepartement eingesetzten Expertenkommission "Schweiz morgen"
1990-1991: Mitglied der vom Schweiz. Bundesrat eingesetzten CIM-Expertenkommission 'Standortentscheid regionale CIM-Bildungszentren' und Mitglied der CIM-Programmleitung im Rahmen des Schweizerischen CIM-Aktionsprogramms
1992: Member of the Factor 10 Club, Carnoules/France
2008: Member of the Advisory Board of the World Resources Forum
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short biography.doc | 39 KB |