
The Product-Life Institute in Geneva is an independent institute which lives exclusively from contract research (studies, in-house seminars, teaching workshops and conference contributions), i.e. from selling our knowledge and time. The researchers of the institute work together or independently in their function as consultants to industrial companies, government authorities and universities. For many studies, we form project teams with other researchers and institutions. Our main focus is to develop innovative strategies and policies to foster the move towards a more sustainable society, for both industry and government.

Services provided by the Product-life Institute and its research associates:


Briefings and seminar on information to client related problems, Policy evaluation and definition for the product-life of a set of products or services, In-house seminars to discuss the problems and opportunities involved in these issues.


Comparative studies of international trends of markets and legislation with regard to product-life issues of goods and services.


Critical analysis of the optimization of the product-life of goods or services, Concrete proposals on how to improve the economic feasibility of goods by extending their useful life through product design, reconditioning and re-marketing , selective recycling, long-life component or product design, Definition of new policies and industrial strategies that focus on product-life from cradle back to cradle, and related market research, Project definition, evaluation and management, Employment and product-life studies, Integration of industrial and services activities, Integration of formal and informal economic activities, Economics of the use of resources, resource productivity and environmental impacts.


writing/editing of articles, revues, conferences papers, books on product-life issues. The quality of the research is guaranteed by the Directors of the Product-Life Institute, supported by an international Scientific Advisory Board.

Private sector

Companies of all industrial sectors, such as raw material production, transport, construction and building, production of vehicles ; Service companies such as banks, insurance companies, foundations, scientific and economic associations.

Public sector

The Ministries of Departments of the Economy, of industrial economic development, of social affairs and employment, of planning and budget, of the environment; Offices in charge of technical cooperation and humanitarian aid to less developed countries; Universities and technical institutes.