admin's blog

The Swedish government has discussed Walter R. Stahel's idea of a reduced VAT on repairs

The Swedish government has discussed Walter's idea of a reduced VAT on repairs, even tax reductions for labour, and proposed a legislation that should be voted today, 20 Sept. If accepted, the new legislation will enter into force on 1 January 2017.

You can read the Guardian's article by clicking on the below link:

A series of Walter R. Stahel interviews shown during 25th Anniversary conference of University of South Australia

Walter Stahel prepared a series of interviews which were shown during this international conference at the University of South Australia on 8 September 2016.

Originally invited to give the keynote lecture, Walter suggested this low carbon - and health preserving - version to the conference organisers.

Assoc. Prof David Ness from Adelaide asks the questions.

Take your time watching - this is a relaxed style of information.

You can see a summary video by clicking here

New article by Walter R. Stahel: Reuse is the best waste prevention strategy in the Circular Economy

A new EU research programme -- Critical Raw Materials Closed Loop Recovery -- is to invest in trials to demonstrate innovative new methods for the collection and reprocessing of waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE), hopefully leading to increased recovery of critical raw materials.

A new 2015 EU report researched by a group of 12 European experts, chaired by Walter R. Stahel

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: increasingly specialised academic teaching today -- a sign of creative diversity, or lack of a systemic approach to the challenges facing society?

One of the obstacles in moving to a more sustainable society are the silo structures of academia, many businesses and public administrations.

Walter R. Stahel proclamé Docteur honoris causa à l'Université de Montréal

Université de Montréal
Attendu que la valeur et le mérite de
Walter R. Stahel
sont dignes d’être proclamés,
Nous, Recteur, par décisions du Conseil de l’Université
lui conférons le présent
Docteur honoris causa
En foi de quoi Nous signons ce document muni du grand sceau de l’Université ainsi que la signature du secrétaire général.
Fait à Montréal, le 3 mai 2016.
Signé Le secrétaire général Alexandre Chabot.      Le recteur Guy Breton.